Ariel Frogge
8 Surprising Things a Background Check Will Reveal
Discover exactly how much you can reveal about someone by running a quick background check.

When you think about a background check, what immediately comes to mind? Most of us think of criminal records. We want to know if the person we're searching for has had serious run-ins with the law. That's fair, as personal safety and the safety of our loved ones are top priorities.
But don't discount all the other information that a background check can reveal, as when put together, that material can provide you with a better understanding of the person you're looking into.
We all have our own reasons for performing a background check. From vetting new acquaintances, looking into neighbors, or uncovering truths about potential romantic interests, information is power. Don't brush off information just because it isn't tied to criminal history. All data is useful. You just have to know how to interpret it.
Here are eight surprising things that may be revealed in a background check, which can be very telling!
Run A Free Background Check Now1. Related Persons, Business Partners & Known Associates
Whether you’re looking into your ancestry, known relatives, or adoptive parents, you can build a complete relative report on anyone, including but not limited to possible siblings, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and other extended family members. Suppose you’re just looking into known business associates for your search subject. In that case, running a quick background check will show you their affiliates, and known associates, including their family members, close friends, and business partners. Utilizing a background check company like peopleWhiz is extensive, and may even be able to find possible boyfriends, girlfriends, roommates, partners, in-laws, or close friends.
If a background check on your intended target doesn't produce much to go off of, try following up with known associates. You can search each, providing insight into the types of people they choose to spend their time with.
This information may be beneficial, especially if you vet a potential romantic interest.
It's important to remember that every person is responsible for their own actions. Just because an acquaintance of someone has a criminal record doesn't make the other guilty by association. That being said, if all known associates have checkered pasts, it could indicate something more sinister at play. It's up to you to analyze all of the results and make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to continue to involve yourself with the person in question.
2. Hidden Social Media Profiles & Dating Sites
People feel very comfortable showing their true colors on social media. If you're wondering how the person you're looking into presents themself to the world, social media profiles are great places to start.
Because many people feel a false sense of security when posting and tweeting, it stands to reason that social media profiles can be great indicators of a person's personality and overall beliefs. If your search comes back with profile information, pay close attention to the types of things they post and their comments, especially now that you know how important it is to vet the company you keep!
Then we can jump right into, ‘Are they cheating?” This is tough, but most of us have been in that boat. If you want to see if your significant other is cheating, running a quick background check can reveal if your partner has hidden social media profiles or is swiping left or right on a dating site. So if your intuition kicks in and you think your partner is in all-out cheat mode, simply run a quick background check to gain a better peace of mind.
3. Arrest Records & Pending Warrants
No one wants to find out that someone they know has been arrested or been to jail. Still, it could be vital to your or someone else’s safety. By running a detailed criminal background check on anyone you’re feeling suspicious or curious about, you could possibly view all available criminal arrests, including bench warrants, arrest warrants, pending and active warrants, mugshots, restraining orders, traffic tickets, and criminal conviction records. If available, you'll even see the details of when and where the crime occurred and details about the offense.
4. Evictions
Something you may not expect to find in a background check? Renting problems, including eviction records. Multiple past addresses could indicate a larger problem, like difficulty keeping up with bills or an unstable lifestyle. If you're screening someone as a potential roommate, having a more in-depth chat about their lengthy address history is a good idea before moving forward.
Things like evictions may also point to poor money management. To protect yourself, make sure you carefully comb through any address history or eviction records that come up during your pubic record search. Having all the information will ensure you can ask the subject of your public record search more thorough questions.
5. Sex Offender Registry & Map Locator
Sex offenders are scary and almost always dangerous people. Their crimes could vary from indecent exposure, indecency with a child, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, prohibited sexual contact, compelling prostitution, sexual performance by a child, and possession or promotion of child pornography. By running a background check, you can help protect yourself, your children, and your neighbors by accessing a complete list of registered sex offenders that live near anyone, including you, your bestie, other family members, and friends. A background check will provide details of what they were convicted for, their current address, and any mugshots (when available). Platforms like peopleWhiz will provide a digital sex offender map where you can get a visual of the distance and whereabouts of the registered sex offender.
6. Family, Criminal & Civil Court Records
Are you looking into federal and state records for yourself or someone else? Running a background check will help you locate family court records such as child support, divorce, marriage, birth, and death. A background check and public record database have the ability to give you access to criminal records, including restraining orders, probate records, criminal arraignments, jail and inmate records, and more. Looking to see the most recent updates on civil suits, access to birth, death, adoption, naturalization, property assets, and other civil case records? Believe it or not, these records will appear on a background check!
7. Bankruptcies or Financial Problems
Background check search results may include financial information. Don't gloss over this section, as it offers some valuable insight, especially if you're thinking about partnering up with that person in a monetary way.
Foreclosures, financial issues resulting in a lawsuit, or any other financial situations may appear on a background check, as most of this information is public record. Did you know that court proceedings are always matters of public record unless sealed? That includes cases that deal with finances, like bankruptcy filings.
8. Address History, Email Finder & Reverse Phone Lookup
Most people move around a lot, and running a background check can help you track them down with a list of previously known addresses and where they’re currently located. If you get as many spam calls as most Americans do, most background check platforms will offer a free reverse phone number lookup service, so you know who’s legit and who’s trying to scam you, and you can block those pesky unwanted numbers. Another perk of running a background check is that it can assist with how to get in touch with someone by offering their latest living arrangements, most recently verified phone numbers, and active email accounts.
Should I Run a Background Check on Myself or Someone Else?
The answer is YES, absolutely!
As you can see, you don't only need criminal record information to assess someone's character accurately. All the information that is included in a background check can be beneficial. The important thing to remember is not to make any judgments before combing through all of the material. This helps you make as unbiased an opinion as possible.
See what surprising things you can find about your acquaintances, co-workers, or even the available information about yourself by running a quick background check. You may be shocked or relieved by what these background check platforms have to reveal!
Run A Free Background Check Now